LOANCALC will compute loan payment, declining balance, and equity schedules (running and cumulative) for fixed rate loans with or without prepayment schedules. The terms of the loan (Principle, Percentage, Term, and number of Payments per Year) are entered through the LOAN TERMS item in the LoanCalc menu. A schedule of discrete or contiguous prepayments are entered via the PREPAYMENT SCHEDULE item. More information on supplying inputs to these items is available through dialogs which are presented when LOAN TERMS or PREPAYMENT SCHEDULE is selected.
Once the terms of the loan, and the optional prepayments are entered the COMPUTE SCHEDULES item will determine and display five loan schedule reports in separate windows. Those schedules are:
Annual Schedule: Principle, Interest and Balance
Declining Balance: Balance remaining for each payment period
Periodic Equity: Equity contributed in each payment period
Cumulative Equity: Accumulated equity at each payment period
Summary: Terms, Payoffs (Annual, Periodic, Total)
and life (with prepayments).
Sample schedules are appended to this descriptive text.
Any or all of the computed schedules may be printed, or exported to a generic Macintosh TEXT files. The PRINT SCHEDULES and FILE SCHEDULES items are available only to registered LOANCALC users. When you send your $10.00 registration fee, to sofTouch APpLications, a shareware access key will be sent to you which will enable these features.
sofTouch APpLications
7742East Oakwood Circle
Tucson, Arizona 85750 USA
Telephone: 1-520-296-5296
To launch LOANCALC, just double click on the LOANCALC icon.
Notice: This software was developed using APL.68000, a proprietary product of MicroAPL Ltd., which has given permission for a runtime version of APL.68000 to be included with the software. Copyright and all intellectual property rights in APL.68000 remain vested in MicroAPL Ltd. APL.68000 is a trademark of MicroAPL, Ltd.